There is huge value in being bilingual and there is no better time to start speaking another language than in early childhood. Teaching your child to speak another language, whether you do or not, will help them excel in education and building relationships across different cultures. With our country becoming more diverse, communication is key […]
Category: Life & Advice
Photo by Jon Flobrant on Unsplash Mum’s are precious; there is no denying that. Right from day one they have provided us with endless love. Be that making sure we were fed, picking us up all over town or even giving us some tough love over the latest fashion faux pas. But as we grow older we get […]
Minimalism was sooooo last year…not! Many people (myself included) still share the love and passion for all things simple and minimal. However, this year as well as the classic, I am looking forward to more colours and prints! So, I thought I would have a little wander through Pinterest and Instagram to see what people […]
Cold dark evenings, post – Christmas comedown and being broke until pay day, which couldn’t come sooner! All this can mean only one thing… It’s definitely January. Blue Monday has just passed, but January is still in full force and I am sure we are all still feeling a little deflated. Let’s work together to […]
This little spot in the UK is a beautiful location for a secret escape with your loved one or a great family staycay for some quality time together. Boasting fantastic wildlife and picturesque landscapes, The New Forest is brilliant for those with a thirst for adventure and exploration! However, sometimes the English weather can be […]
We all have those girlfriends who always answer ‘oh, I don’t need anything’ or ‘I’m not sure!’ whenever you ask the big birthday present question. What if you knew what to get without even asking them? Within friendship groups there are roles that each girlfriend assumes, and using these roles you can determine what to […]
Photo by Wesley Tingey on Unsplash Christmas is creeping up on us and if you are anything like myself then you will have already got the major items on your Christmas shopping list crossed off. Yet, it is the Christmas stocking gifts that I always have a last minute panic about! Stockings are a tradition I love as […]
We are in the process of ripping out and replacing our bathroom, which as anyone who has done so will know, is particularly stressful! As Mike is in charge and there is very little I can do to speed things along, I have been consoling myself with a little home improvement in other areas of […]
One of my best friends is dating a lovely new guy and with Christmas coming up, she wants to get him something that shows she cares. Her challenge is that he is nerdier than her previous boyfriends and she hasn’t got much experience in this area. Luckily, Mike (my husband) and most of the other […]
Weddings Are Expensive: Cut Costs Where You Can – Honeyfund Guest Post!
Photo by Tom Pumford on Unsplash A little while back, the lovely Honeyfund asked me to contribute to their blog and I was thrilled to oblige. In fact, I went a little overboard and wrote not one, but two posts! So, when they reached out to feature a post on my blog, I was super excited to return […]